Amalia widget on Salesforce

Please refer to this page for setup on Hubspot.

You can use Amalia without leaving Salesforce thanks to our iFrame powered widget.

The setup is quick and simple: with our guide it should take you less than 5 minutes if you have the right access on your organization's Salesforce.

  1. Go to Setup
  2. In the quick find box, search for Tabs then click on it
  3. Scroll down to Web Tab
  4. Click New
  5. Select “Full page width”
    1. Tab Label: Amalia
    2. Tab Style: Select a style or create your own style
    3. Content Frame Height: 800 px for more viewing space
  6. Click Next, then copy and paste this link to the URL field:
  7. Click Next, then select profiles you want to grant access to for the web tab
  8. Click Next, then select custom apps you want your tab to be accessible from

For more information, please consult Salesforce documentation.

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