⚡️ Automate reporting with Amalia API and Gsheet

This guide helps you set up Amalia API on Google Sheets. You will be able to export Amalia calculations such as statement results, KPIs, payments, etc. on any trigger to any spreadsheet.

Setup Time 5-10 min

1. Get your API key and report url ready

Please refer to this help doc if this is your first time using Amalia API.

You will need:

  1. Report url, a link that helps us identify the report you want to access
  2. API key, a private token that helps us authenticate your identity

2. Prepare the Script

  1. Here is the template script
function callAmaliaReport() {
// Get the active spreadsheet
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();

// Set initial pagination variables
let paginationContinue = true;
let pageNumber = 0;

// Define the API endpoint and headers
const reportUrl = "https://api.amalia.io/v1/custom-reports/4399a63c-d7ba-4544-b6f7-1e98935a38bb";
const apiKey = "k1rMQewi!CzO*A12a4nE%SYPekf*8e-!0E2Sh_zPmY!_icZM1KJOBc8P31G%VQTe";

do {
// Make a request to the Amalia API
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(`${reportUrl}?page=${pageNumber}`, {headers:{['X-API-KEY']: apiKey }});

// Parse the JSON response
const parsedResponse = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());

// Set column labels in the spreadsheet
parsedResponse.columns.forEach((column, colIndex) => {
sheet.getRange(1, colIndex + 1).setValue(column.label);

// Populate data in the spreadsheet
parsedResponse.records.items.forEach((line, rowIndex) => {
const absoluteRowIndex = 100 * pageNumber + rowIndex + 2;
Object.values(line).forEach((value, colIndex) => {
sheet.getRange(absoluteRowIndex, colIndex + 1).setValue(value?.symbol ? value.value : value);

// Check if there are more items to fetch
paginationContinue = parsedResponse.records.items.length === 100;
} while (paginationContinue);

  1. You just need to replace with your Report Urland API-KEY

3. Then follow this tutorial video


Drift Video: Amalia API & Gsheet

That's it ✨

We recommend to use one gsheet per custom report.
If you want to aggregate several sheets you can use the gsheet formula =IMPORTRANGE("Gsheet_url";Range)

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