✍️ Applying Overwrites

Overwrites allows you to apply data modification or calculation exceptions without modifying your Data Sources or changing your Commission Logic.

Examples where you might need to apply an Overwrite:

- With the Covid situation, you decided to excepitonnaly change an amount on an opportunity or a target on one statement - Overwrite is made only on the Statement without changing the formula behind your compensation plan.

- One Sales Rep signed a deal the end of the month but it was accounted next month in your CRM. You could apply an overwrite on the closing date of the datasource to pay your commission at the end of the month - Overwrites on datasource will apply to all users related to this modification, it could be the SDR and the AE for instance - Overwrite is made only in Amalia, we do not write it back to your CRM,

This feature is available for any Admin or Manager with the Write access (see role page).

Statement Modification

You can apply an Overwrite on a Statement, this might be useful when you need to change a calculation result in Amalia (Fields, KPIs, Quota...).

If you apply an Overwrite on a field of a Data Source - a "property", it will be automaticaly applied as well on the Data Source (see precedent section ☝️).

1. Go to a Statement
2. Apply the Overwrite

You can apply the Overwrite on any field/property of the table as well as any KPI showed under a Rule. Click on the value to modify it. Then, enter the new value, that's it :) For example let's change the "SDR Target" to 22:

Amalia recalculates automatically the current Statement to take into account the new Value.

3. Keep a trace of the Overwrite

The change will be highlighted in purple so you can spot it easily. Also, if you hover it, you will see that we keep the Author, the date and the Old value for Audit reason as well as if you need to reverse the overwrite.

4. Cancel it anytime

In case you want to delete this overwrite, you can click on "Clean Overwrite" to erase it and you'll get back to the old value. The Statement will be re-calculated automatically.

Data Modification

If you need to change the data in Amalia without impacting your Data Source (CRM, ERP,...) you can apply an Overwrite under the Data Section.

1. Go to Data

2. Apply the Overwrite

You can apply the Overwrite on any field in the data. Find the record you need to overwrite and click on the value to modify it. Then, enter the new value, that's it :) For example let's change an Amount:

3. Keep a trace of the Overwrite

The change will be highlighted in purple so you can spot it easily. Also, if you hover it, you will see that we keep the Author, the date and the Old value for Audit reason as well as if you need to reverse the overwrite.

You will find as well an Overwrite tab recap under the Overwrites section, see below.

4. Cancel it anytime

In case you want to delete this overwrite, you can click on "Clean Overwrite" to erase it and you'll get back to the old value.

If you need to reflect the modification on a Statement you will need to relaunch it's calculation manually.

Overwrites Table recap

In order to have access to all the Overwrites made in Amalia, we created an Overwrites report.

You will be able to Search and Filter overwrites on where they where applied (Data or Statement) and if they are still active. You can also export all the list in CSV 👌

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