⏭ Create a Workflow for statement validation
1. Click on Admin then Workflows
2. Click on "+ Add a new workflow"
3. Write the Name of the workflow you want to create like Workflow SDR France.
4. At the bottom, you have "Admin can review statements above the other users steps". Tick the box next to it if you want to give the admin the possibility to review a statement even if the previous steps are not yet done.
5. Click on "+ Add step" then on "Add condition in step 1".
6. Choose the Owner of this step who is the user that has to validate the statement at this step:
- If you want the users to validate their statements on this step then choose Statement owner.
- If you want it to be the managers or the team leaders, you can choose Role and then you choose which role.
- If you want it to be a specific user in the company, you can choose Specific user and then you choose which role.
7. You can repeat for as many steps as you need.
8. You can also add conditions for each step. It will be owner 1 or owner 2.
9. You have to choose the workflow in your plan configuration.