List and card views for statements

We provide two formats for displaying KPIs on statements. You can choose between the two views to customize how KPIs look on all statements across your company.

List view

In list view, all displayed KPIs in a rule are shown as rows. We recommend list view if you want to maximize readability.

Card view

In card view, all displayed KPIs in a rule are shown as boxes. We recommend card view if you want to draw attention to KPI figures.


1. To switch KPI view for your company, head to Company Settings in the lower left corner of your navigation menu.

2. Click on Customisation options to expand the section.

3. Click on the toggle button to switch to card view. Don't forget to save your settings!

4. You will be prompted if your update is successfully registered. You can refresh the page and go to Statements to see the new view you have just chosen.

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