šŸ“¢ Comment on your commission statement

Amalia has a system allowing you to comment your commission statement. Those comments are sent to your managers, which have the possibility to review them before sending the statement to the payout crew.

If someone put a comment on your statement or reply to one of your comments, you'll receive a notification.

Find and comment on the error.

1. You can either post a general comment on the statement with the comment button at the top right.

or comment on a certain kpi or a cell of the table. You can see the comment button while you're hovering the element.

If a comment already exists, you'll see the comment button directly without hovering the element.

2. Once you clicked on the button, the comment drawer opens. Type your comment in the input. Then click on "Send comment".

3. Your comment is now published on the statement.

You have the possibility to edit your comment. For that, click on the pen button next to your comment, then you can re-edit your message in the input below. Once done, click on "Edit comment" to validate.

Now, you can see your edited comment.

You can also delete your comment in case it's not relevant anymore. To do so, click on the trash button next to your comment.

Then confirm.

Your comment is now deleted.

4. When you publish a comment on your statement, your manager is notified, and can review your suggestion, If needed, he'll adjust your statement.

5. You'll get a notification when any reply has been published.

For more details please have a look at Notification page

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